I am not my daughter. I know this logically, but it doesn’t
stop me from assuming that she feels the same things I felt when I was her age
or reacts to situations the way I did when I was a teen. I lay my own fears and
insecurities on her, empathizing perhaps too much. She is much braver than I
was or am.
I worry for her unnecessarily and don’t understand her
annoyance when I try to share my sympathy or support. I spend endless hours
sorting through my memories, reliving particularly painful events and imagining
her experiencing a similar awkwardness. But times have changed and that old
saying that nothing ever changes could not be farther from the truth. Our kids
are growing up in a very different time.
We had the buffer of space and time that they don’t have in
this age of instant feedback and constant images. You can’t close your door.
The TV doesn’t turn all fuzzy at midnight and the phone is never busy. There is
constant scrutiny 24/7. There is always someone available to chat or skype or
text. It is never quiet.
Every move that is made is noted on twitter or Facebook or Tumblr
or some other social network I’m too old and out of it to know about. You can’t
untag some images and the lenses are everywhere recording your every move
whether you want it or not.
It is nearly impossible to be a private person. People,
voices, messages, images, and news bear down on you every waking moment. It
makes it hard to sleep or think. All three of my teens spend almost every
waking hour wearing earbuds which pound out a personal soundtrack for their
lives. I wave my hands at them to get their attention in much the same way I
call our deaf dog. They yank the ear buds out, annoyed before I’ve said my
first word.
There is no quiet in their lives. How can they think amidst
such constant noise? When I pose this question to them, they tell me they can’t
think if it’s quiet. I sigh.
Just the thought of being a teenager in this age makes me
I share stories of my own youth with my children, but it
seems like a fairytale of sorts, very little of it possible anymore. Even our
illicit flirtations with Jägermeister or Whippets seem tame in light of the
designer drugs available to teens of this era. Sadie Hawkins dances, floor
length prom dresses, pep rallies, and school spirit are quaint ideas from a
time long gone. School work aims them towards the test they will take rather
than the world they could explore.
As a parent, and as a citizen in this world, I worry about
the effect of this life lived under such pressure, amid a barrage of noise and
images and the scrutiny of a constant public microscope.
I remember from my Adolescent Psych class a phenomenon
called, imaginary audience. Teens
(and some adults) perceive the world as if everyone around them is always
watching their every move, paying attention to only them. Social media makes
this imaginary audience seem even less imaginary.
As a middle-age woman I’m far removed from this predicament.
In fact, I’ve noted on many occasions that women my age are basically
invisible. We aren’t a threat to anyone,
so people mostly ignore our presence. There’s a freedom to be had there and I
must admit I appreciate it more than resent it.
But if you perceive the people around you as an audience, does it make you a constant
performer? Living on a stage creates a pressure that can be hard to bear,
especially for an emotionally strung out, hormonally charged, and many times
exhausted young person.
We’ve watched as famous young people crack under that kind
of pressure. But are young people, famous or not, feeling much of the same
burden? When we witness callous attitudes and unnecessary meanness, are they
simply frustrated reactions to a world that is invading their privacy, pushing
them to perform, and consuming their very souls? Are these kids reacting to the
stress of living life on a stage created by their own perceptions and today’s
pervasive technology?
I’d explode too, or shut down. There is not much room for
anything in between.
I know that my teens are facing pressures untold and I wish
beyond wishes that I could help them, but I suppose my meddling and assumptions
are not what they need. They need the only thing I’m qualified to do – listen
and love. And the only way I’ll be able to hear them is to lay down my own
memories of being a teen. What they are experiencing is vastly different even
if the emotions created by this stage in life are universal.
Times have changed. What is a parent to do? I’m still
uncertain, but the only path I can find any footing on is one that passes no
judgment. It requires that I follow them down the road they are choosing,
resisting the urge to offer too many directions but helping them to hold the wheel
steady. They need me to support their dreams even if my own dreams for them
look very different because, of this I am certain - their dreams have been
created in a world I can’t even imagine.
You hit the nail on the head with this post! Thanks for sharing what I have been feeling. The "instant feedback" our kids get 24/7 is....well, it is strange!