Son #3’s teeth are straight and even, with a few gaps (room
to grow). He has a much bigger mouth than his siblings (not just physically).
Seems to me if you’re bent on spending money you could find a reason to put
braces on every kid alive. Probably most adults too. At one point does it
become a luxury? These are thousands of dollars that could be spent on college
education or a trip abroad. How critical are straight teeth?
Son #1 has retainers now. Well, sometimes he does. Already I
find them abandoned next to his breakfast dishes after he’s already on his way
to school. He’s begun this incredibly annoying habit of removing his bottom
retain with his tongue and then playing with it in his mouth like a gobstopper.
When he does these things I emit a shriek characteristic of a cartoon mom and
begin making threats like, “You’re going to pay for the next set of braces!” To
which he replies, “I never asked for braces.” Which is a good point. He didn’t.
In fact, his teeth weren’t so bad to begin with. Just a
slight misalignment, nothing anyone would really point out. But he is our first
born and you know how that works. Nothing is too good. How could we not want
him to have perfect teeth? So on went the braces.
The girl-child has had teeth issues from the get-go. Initially
she didn’t get her first tooth until eleven months, prompting us to worry that
she didn’t have any. When they did come in, it was in layers. Too many teeth
for too small a space. It didn’t help that she held on to her baby teeth way
past their expiration dates, necessitating six of them to be removed by the oral
surgeon. She had an expander at age 8, a “Lip Bumper” at 9, and then the series
of teeth extractions culminating in this past summer’s extraction of four
permanent teeth. And still there is a stray tooth hanging around above her
front teeth poking out of her gums looking for a place to land. Braces were never
a question with this child.
And now we come to child #3 and I ask you, are we obligated
to put braces on this one? I keep looking at that e-mail in my inbox. It is my
habit to leave messages in the inbox until I deal with them. I like a tidy
inbox, so most don’t hang around long. I have a feeling this one might still be
here by next summer.
So, for the time being, I’m consciously ignoring the
reminder e-mail and having an internal debate. M y
husband, having been the third child, always says, “the last one thrives on
neglect.” It’s tough to be the third in some ways, but in other ways it’s quite
the boon. M y youngest stays up
later, watches more TV, has more computer time, and gets way more privileges
than his siblings did when they were his age. On the flip side, there is less
video footage, fewer mementos of his childhood saved, and he’s known who Santa
really is since he was eight. Even the tooth fairy quit early for him.
In the end, I will probably roll the dice and take him for
the appointment. I don’t want to worry that someday when his teeth are pointing
in all directions but down, he asks “How come you never got me braces?” But
maybe I’ll be able to say, “We took you to Europe